Last Updated on October 25, 2022 by Jen
There are times in everyone’s life when things just don’t seem to be going right. You may feel like you’re stuck in a rut and can’t get out, or like you’re just not where you want to be. When this happens, it can be tough to know how to make things better.
But one of the best ways to start getting on track is by simply writing down your thoughts and feelings. This can help you to see things more clearly and work through whatever might be bothering you.
If you’re looking for some help getting started, here are 30 journal prompts that should get the ball rolling for you. All of these journal prompts can help you get unstuck from a negative focus and feel more optimistic, thankful, and positive.
1. What Better Thought Could I Have Right Now?
What thoughts are you thinking? What are the next best thoughts you could have?
For instance, if you are worried about something, what is a better thought that you could have at this moment?
Or, if you’re feeling down about yourself, what are some positive things you could think of instead?
You will find that reaching for better thoughts will help you to feel a little better right now.
2. Who Am I Thankful For?
There is always someone or something in our lives to be thankful for – even on the toughest of days. Write down who or what you are thankful for right now. It could be something as simple as your bed, your cat, or the sun shining outside. Life will feel better when you do.
3. What Made Me Smile Today?
No matter how difficult things might seem, there is always something that can make us smile. It might be a memory of a happy time, something we’re looking forward to, or even just a small moment from today. What made you smile today?
4. What Am I Proud Of?
When we’re feeling down about life, it can be easy to forget all of the things we’ve accomplished in our lives. Write down a few things you are proud of – no matter how big or small. This could be anything from making it through a tough day to graduating from college.
5. What Are My Goals?
It’s important to remember what we’re working towards in life, even when things are tough. Write down some of your goals – both short-term and long-term – and what you need to do to achieve them. This can help you to focus on the future and stay motivated.
6. How Can I Help Someone Else Today?
One of the best ways to feel better about your life is by helping someone else with their life. It doesn’t have to be anything big – even just lending a listening ear or offering a kind word can make a difference. How can you help someone else today?
7. What Am I Grateful For?
Similar to being thankful, practicing gratitude can help us to feel better about our lives. Write down a few things you are grateful for, even if they seem small. This could be anything from your health to a beautiful sunset.
8. What’s Good In My Life Right Now?
When life seems tough, it can be easy to focus on all of the negative things. But there is always something good happening – we just have to look for it.
Write down a few of the good things in your life right now – no matter how small they may seem.
9. Who Do I Admire And Why?
We all have people in our lives that we admire – whether it’s a friend, family member, or even a celebrity. Write about someone you admire and why you look up to them.
What qualities do they have that you aspire to?
Answer this can help you get up and get motivated to take action on change.
10. If I Could Do Anything, What Would It Be?
This prompt is all about dreaming big! If you could do anything – absolutely anything – what would it be? This is your chance to let your imagination run wild, so don’t hold back.
This journal prompt will move you past a tight focus and start to feel as if there are more possibilities in life.
11. How Could Thing Be Worse?
By reflecting on how things could be worse, you often feel grateful for what you have. Write about a time when things could have been worse than they were – and how you coped in the situation.
If you can’t think of a time that things have been worse for you, focus on someone else who has it worse than you.
12. What Are My Strengths?
When we’re feeling down, it can be easy to forget all of the things we’re good at. Write down a few of your strengths – both personal and professional – and how you can use them in your life.
Doing this can help you to feel more confident and capable.
13. Who Do I Love And Why?
There are people in our lives that we love for so many different reasons. Write about someone you love and why they are important to you. What qualities do they have that make them special?
This can help you move towards a feeling of love and away from a negative feeling that you may be focused on.
14. What Makes Me Unique?
We are all special and unique in our own ways. Write about what makes you unique – whether it’s your personality, your skills, or your experiences.
Reflecting on this journal prompt can help you to feel more confident and proud of who you are, and make you feel a little bit better about life right now.
15. What Do I Want To Accomplish In The Next Year?
It’s always helpful to have goals to work towards. Write down a few things you want to accomplish in the next year – both big and small. What do you need to do to make these things happen?
This will help get the focus on what’s going wrong and shift the focus to what you can do to make things go right.
16. What Do I Do Well?
Similar to your strengths, there are probably many things you do well that you take for granted. Write down a few things you do well – both personal and professional – and how you can use them in your life.
This can help you to feel more confident and capable in life.
17. What Are My Hobbies And Interests?
We all have hobbies and interests that we enjoy, even if we don’t pursue them as often as we’d like. Write down a few of your hobbies and interests, and how you can incorporate them into your life.
This can help you to shift your focus from what’s going wrong in life and feel more balanced and fulfilled.
18. What Would I Win An Award For?
This prompt is all about thinking outside the box. If you could win an award for anything – no matter how big or small – what would it be? This is your chance to let your imagination run wild, so don’t hold back.
This journal prompt will help you get unstuck from negative thoughts and visualizations and cultivate some confidence in your life and hope for the future.
19. What Are Some Great Memories?
Sometimes to feel better about your life you have to reflect on those great moments you’ve had in life. Write about a time when something really great happened – no matter how small it may seem. What made the situation so special?
20. Who Do I Have In My Life That I Can Count On?
We all have people in our lives that we can count on – whether it’s a friend, family member, or even a co-worker.
Write about someone you can count on and why you feel comfortable confiding in them. What qualities do they have that make them trustworthy?
21. What Are Some Things I’m Proud Of?
We all have accomplishments that we’re proud of, even if we don’t always remember them. Write down a few things you’re proud of – both big and small. This can help you to feel more confident and capable.
22. What Do I Do That Makes Me Happy?
We all have things that can make us happy, even if we don’t always realize it. Write down a few things you do that make you happy – both big and small. This can help you to feel more fulfilled and content in your life.
23. What’s My Ideal Job?
This prompt is all about dreaming big! Write down what your ideal job would be – no matter how unrealistic it may seem. What would you be doing? Where would you be working?
This journal prompt can help you to feel more motivated and inspired to pursue your goals.
24. If I Could Travel Anywhere, Where Would I Go?
If you could travel anywhere in the world – no matter how far-fetched it may seem – where would you go? This journal prompt can help you to feel more adventurous and open-minded, and open up your mind to life beyond what’s going on right now for you.
25. What’s On My Bucket List?
We all have things we want to do before we die – even if we don’t always remember them. Write down a few things that are on your bucket list – both big and small.
This journal prompt can help you to feel more motivated and inspired to pursue your goals and keep you from getting stuck in a state where you are wasting time.
26. What Do I Envy In Others?
When we’re feeling down, it can be easy to focus on what we don’t have. But this prompt is all about thinking positively. Write down a few things you envy in others – no matter how small they may seem. What can you do to achieve these things?
27. What Cool And Unexpected Things Might Happen Today?
Awesome and unexpected things can and do happen in a flash. Get curious about what might happen today – no matter how small it may seem.
This can help you to feel more open-minded and positive about your day and the future.
28. What Are Some Things I’m Curious About?
Write down a few things you’re curious about. What do you want to learn more about? This can help you to feel more motivated and inspired to pursue your goals.