Last Updated on October 5, 2022 by Jen
Ideas are the lifeblood of any creative person. The problem is that most people have a hard time coming up with new ideas, especially when they need them the most. And when they do come up with ideas, they often forget them not long after. This is because they don’t have a system for capturing and storing their ideas. If you want to be more creative and remember your ideas, you need to start keeping track of your ideas in a notebook.
Why Use A Physical Notebook Over A Phone Or Computer?
In a world where we are constantly tethered to our phones and computers, it can be easy to forget the value of a physical notebook. While phone apps and computer programs offer the convenience of being able to access our notes from anywhere, there are some distinct advantages to using a physical notebook.
For one thing, research has shown that the act of writing by hand helps to boost memory and retention.
In addition, physically writing out our ideas can help us to clarify our thoughts and better organize our ideas.
And finally, there is something satisfying about being able to hold a finished product in our hands, something that we can flip through and visually see the progress we have made.
So next time you have an idea that you want to remember, consider reaching for a physical notebook instead of your phone. You might be surprised at the difference it makes.
How To Come Up With New Ideas
When it comes to generating new ideas, there is no single formula that guarantees success. However, there are a few methods that can help spark creativity.
One approach is to brainstorm with others. Collaborating with others can help stimulate new ways of thinking and provide fresh perspectives on old problems.
Another method is to keep a journal where you regularly jot down your thoughts and observations. Over time, you may start to notice patterns emerging in your thinking, which can lead to new insights.
Lastly, it can be helpful to take some time for yourself to relax and let your mind wander. Once you give yourself permission to daydream, you may be surprised at the ideas that begin to flow.
Whether you are looking for a solution to a pressing problem or simply looking for ways to be more creative, these techniques can help get the juices flowing and jump-start the process of generating new ideas.
10 Tips For Keeping Track Of Ideas And Thoughts In A Notebook
1. Carry a notebook with you wherever you go.
It doesn’t matter if you are going for a walk or going on vacation, carry a notebook. The one time you don’t have a notebook with you will be the one time that you have the best idea ever and can’t capture it in your notebook.
John told me that one time he came up with the best idea for a business that he had ever thought of. It was exciting and motivating, but he was on vacation and other things quickly got his attention. Despite the excitement of the idea, he couldn’t remember it later when he was sitting in his hotel room! He tried meditating. He tried going back to the spot he was when he had the idea. But it just wouldn’t come back to him. To this day he regrets not writing down his idea.
2. Write down all ideas, big and small.
The best way to come up with new ideas is to build on existing ones. So, don’t just write down the big ideas, write down the small ones too.
In fact, write down every idea that comes into your head, no matter how absurd it may seem. You can always filter out the bad ideas later, but you can’t get back ideas you can’t remember.
3. Be specific.
When you write down an idea, be as specific as possible. The more specific you are, the easier it will be to come up with related ideas.
For example, if you have an idea for a new product for happiness, don’t just write “new product for happiness” in your notebook. Write down what the product is, how it works, what it does, etc. The more information you have, the better.
4. Review your ideas regularly.
It’s not enough to just write down your ideas, you need to review them regularly too. This will help you to spot patterns and connections that you might not have noticed before. It will also help you to remember the good ideas and forget about the bad ones. And it can spark more ideas.
5. Keep an idea file.
In addition to your notebook, it’s also a good idea to keep an “idea file”. This can be a place where you store all the ideas you’ve come up with. You can scan your notebook to your computer if you want, but you can also just keep all your notebooks stored in one place for easy access.
The idea is to have a place where you can store all of your ideas, regardless of whether they are good or bad. This way, you can always refer back to them later.
6. Use different color pens for different kinds of ideas
Get a multicolor pen so that you can use a different color for each type of idea.
For example:
- Blue for product ideas
- Red for business ideas
- Green for personal ideas
This will help you to organize your thoughts and make it easier to find the information you need later on.
7. Don’t edit yourself.
When you are writing down your ideas, don’t worry about whether they are good or bad. Just get them down in your notebook. You can always edit them later. The important thing is to capture the ideas while they are fresh in your mind.
8. Take breaks.
If you are having trouble coming up with new ideas, take a break. Go for a walk, watch a movie, or read a book. The important thing is to give your mind some time to rest. You’d be surprised how often the best ideas come when you are not trying to force them.
9. Set aside some time each day to brainstorm.
Set aside time each day, preferably first thing in the morning, to brainstorm. This is when you will be at your freshest and will have the most energy for coming up with new ideas. Make sure that you have a notebook with you so that you can capture any ideas that come to mind.
10. Use a disc system notebook
Use a notebook where you can easily remove your pages, such as a Happy Planner notebook. This will allow you to move ideas into categories throughout your notebook for easier access and reflection.