44 Journal Prompts To Help You Get Out Of Your Head

Last Updated on November 7, 2022 by Jen

If you’re like most people, there are times when you can’t get out of your head. You worry about things that may or may not happen. You obsess over past mistakes. You replay conversations over and over again in your mind, looking for the right thing to say.

You know the feeling – it’s called overthinking, and it’s a common problem that can lead to anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems. But there is hope. There are things you can do to get yourself out of your head and back into the present moment.

One of the most effective things you can do is to keep a journal. Writing down your thoughts can help you to process them and see things more clearly. It can also be a way to get your creativity flowing and to find inspiration and joy.

44 Journal Prompts That Can Help You Get Out Of Your Head

get out of your head

1. What Am I Grateful For Today?

The best way to stop obsessive thoughts is to refocus on the present moment in a positive way. Gratitude is a great way to do this. When you want to get out of your head, take a few minutes to write down everything you’re grateful for at this moment, no matter how small.

2. What Am I Most Proud Of?

Another way to get out of your head is to focus on your accomplishments. Write down the things you’re most proud of, no matter how big or small. This will help you to see yourself in a positive light and to remember that you’re capable of great things.

3. What Do I Want To Achieve In The Next Year?

Setting goals is a great way to get out of your head and into action. When you have something to strive for, you’re less likely to dwell on negative thoughts. So, take some time to think about what you want to achieve in the next year, and then make a plan to make it happen.

4. What Are My Biggest, Wildest Dreams?

Let your mind run wild and write down all of the things you’ve ever wanted to achieve. No dream is too big or too small. And don’t worry about whether or not you’ll ever achieve them. Just get them down on paper and enjoy the process of dreaming.

5. What Makes Me Happy?

When you’re feeling down, it can be helpful to focus on what makes you happy.

Write down a list of things that always make you smile, no matter what’s going on in your life. Then, when you’re feeling low, you can refer to this list and remind yourself of the good things in your life.

6. Who Are The People In My Life Who Make Me Feel Good?

Another way to get out of your head is to focus on the positive relationships in your life.

Write down the names of the people who you feel good about yourself and how they do that, and then reach out to them when you’re feeling down. Just knowing they’re there for you can make a big difference.

7. What Are My Favorite Memories?

When you’re feeling stuck, it can be helpful to focus on happy memories from the past.

Write down some of your favorite memories, and then take a few minutes to really think about them and relive them in your mind. This will help you to forget about whatever is worrying you in the present moment.

8. What Are The Things I’m Most Afraid Of?

One way to get out of your head is to face your fears head-on.

Write down the things you’re most afraid of, and then look at them objectively.

What are the chances that they’ll actually happen?

Are they really as bad as you think they are?

What can you take action on?

Facing your fears can help you to see them in a new light and to realize that they’re not as big or as scary as you think.

9. What Are My Hobbies And Interests?

When you’re feeling down, it can be helpful to focus on the things you love to do.

Write down a list of your hobbies and interests, and then make a plan to get involved in them again. Doing things you enjoy is a great way to boost your mood and get out of your head.

10. What Can I Do To Help Others?

One way to get out of your own head is to focus on helping others. Write down a list of things you can do to help those around you, and then make a plan to do at least one of them every day. Helping others is a great way to get out of your own problems and to feel good about yourself.

11. What Fantasies Do I Wish Would Come True?

Another way to get out of your head is to focus on your fantasies. Write down the things you wish would come true, no matter how big or small. This will help you to escape from reality for a little while and to dream about the possibilities.

12. What Good Stories Would I Like To Replay In My Mind?

When you’re feeling down, and focused on stories that make you feel bad, it can be helpful to focus on stories that make you feel good.

Write down the plots of your favorite books or movies, and then think about them when you’re feeling low. This will help you to get lost in a positive story and forget about your own problems for a while.

13. What Big Ideas Do I Have?

If you’re feeling stuck, it can be helpful to focus on big ideas.

Write down the things you want to achieve or the changes you want to see in the world. This will help you to get out of your own head and to focus on something larger than yourself.

14. What Movie Star Would I Most Like To Be Like?

Another way to get out of your head is to focus on someone you admire.

Write down the name of a movie star or celebrity you look up to, and then think about what it is about them that you admire. This will help you to get out of your own head and to focus on someone who you want to be like.

Note: Using the Raikov effect, you can do this with anyone you admire, not just a movie star. It’s a great exercise to get out of your head and see things from a different perspective if you want to achieve something or change something.

15. What Do I Do That Makes Me Unique?

One way to get out of your head is to focus on the things that make you unique.

Write down the things that make you special and different from everyone else. This will help you to remember that you’re not like everyone else and that you have something special to offer.

16. What Type Of YouTube Channel Would I Start If I Was Going To?

If you’re looking for a creative outlet, it can be helpful to focus on starting a YouTube channel.

Write down the type of channel you would like to start, and then make a plan to get started. This will help you to get out of your head and to focus on something creative.

17. What Would I Do If I Won The Lottery?

Another way to get out of your head is to focus on what you would do if you won the lottery.

Write down a list of things you would do with the money, and then think about how amazing it would be to have that much money. This will help you to get out of your own head and to focus on something positive. It’s a great way to visualize positive things, raise your vibration, and stay in a vibration where good things can happen.

18. What Are My Favorite Quotes?

If you’re looking for inspiration, it can be helpful to focus on your favorite quotes.

Write down the quotes that inspire you the most, and then read them when you’re feeling down. This will help you to get out of your head and to focus on something positive.

19. What Would I Do If I Could Have Any Job In The World?

Another way to get out of your head is to focus on what you would do if you could have any job in the world.

Write down a list of jobs you would like to have, and then think about how amazing it would be to have your dream job. This will help you to get out of your own head and to focus on something positive.

20. What Part Of The World Do I Want To See? Why?

If you’re looking for a change, it can be helpful to focus on the part of the world you want to see.

Write down the places you want to visit, and then make a plan to get there, even if you just travel there virtually. Make a plan to learn as much as you can about the place and see as many sights as you can. This will help you to get out of your head and to focus on something new and exciting.

21. What Are Some Things I Believe In That Others Don’t?

One way to get out of your head is to focus on the things you believe in that others don’t.

Write down a list of things you believe in, and then think about how you can stand up for what you believe in. This will help you to get out of your own head and to focus on something positive.

22. What Do I Do That Makes Me Happy?

Another way to get out of your head is to focus on the things that make you happy.

Write down a list of things you enjoy doing, and then make a plan to do more of those things.

23. What Are Some Experiences I’ve Had In Life That Other People Wouldn’t Believe?

Whether it’s paranormal experiences, close calls, or just funny stories, we all have experiences that others wouldn’t believe. Write down some of your own experiences, and then think about how you can share them with others. This will not only help you refocus but give you an outlet for action that can help you stay out of your head.

24. What Habits Do I Want To Put Into Place Over The Next Year?

Stop thinking about what went wrong and, instead, focus on the habits you want to put into place over the next year.

Write down a list of things you want to change about yourself, and then make a plan to change those things. You may want to schedule in a habit to create for each month or maybe a few habits to create.

This will help you get out of your own head and to focus on something positive.

25. What Do I Do That Makes Me Feel Good?

Another way to get out of your head is to focus on self-care. Write down a list of things that make you feel happy, relaxed, and at peace. Then do at least one thing instantly.

26. What Are Some Compliments I’ve Received?

If you’re looking for a boost, it can be helpful to focus on the compliments you’ve received.

Write down the compliments that meant the most to you, and then read them when you’re feeling down.

27. What Are Some Things I Can Be Grateful For?

Look back on your life and write down a list of things you’re grateful for, and then read it when you’re feeling down. You will be surprised at how many things pop up once you get going and your entire vibration will rise and help you get out of your head and focus on more positive things, such as enjoying life or taking action on something you want.

28. What Kind Of Service Would I Offer If I Could?

If you’re looking for a way to get out of your head, it can be helpful to focus on the service you would offer if you could.

Write down a list of things you would do for others, and then think about how you can help others.

29. What Are Some Things I Can Do To Be A Better Friend?

This question can help you get out of your own thoughts and start thinking about others. It can help you focus on what is important to them and what you can do to make their lives better.

It helps you to get into a more constructive mindset where taking action and doing things is your priority as opposed to being stuck in negative thoughts and not taking action at all.

30. What Are Some Things I Can Do To Be A Better Person?

When you focus on improving yourself, you set your intention on becoming the best version of yourself possible. This creates a positive feedback loop in which you become more self-aware and motivated to improve.

In addition, when you take the time to reflect on how you can be a better person, you force yourself to confront your own flaws and shortcomings. This can be difficult, but it is also necessary for growth. By facing your weaknesses head-on, you can begin to work on them and eventually overcome them.

31. What Are Some Things I’d Like To Learn In The Next Year?

There are a few reasons why answering this journal prompt can be beneficial for getting out of your head.

For one, it can provide a sense of direction and purpose, helping you to stay motivated as you work towards your goals.

It can also serve as a reminder of how much you’ve already accomplished and how far you’ve come, as well as how much is left for you to do.

32. Why Am I Stuck Here?

Sometimes confronting what’s going on is the best way to get over it.

If you can’t get out of your head, ask yourself why.

Is this thought really important?

Are you not taking action in your life?

Are you trying to beat yourself up for something?

Are you scared of moving passed the thought?

Once you answer why, you may have an easier time finding a solution on how to get out of your head and move on.

33. What Are Some Things I Can Do To Be Healthier?

One way get out of your head is to focus on the ways you can be healthier. When we actively take action on our health, we feel better about ourselves and our thoughts naturally improve.

What can you do to improve your health right now?

34. What Are Some Things I Can Do To Be More Active?

By spending time outside, getting our heart rates up, or focusing on our physical movement, we can help to release built-up tension and clear our minds.

In addition, being active can help to boost our mood and give us a sense of accomplishment.

So next time you’re feeling stuck in your head, try figuring out how you can be more active and then do it. You may just find that it’s exactly what you need.

35. What Are Some Things I Can Do To Reduce My Stress?

It can be difficult to stay motivated when faced with stressors in daily life. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, writing about your experiences and how you can overcome them can help you to process your thoughts and feelings.

Taking the time to reflect on your answers can help you to develop a plan of action for managing your stress.

36. What Are Some Things I Can Do To Be More Creative?

Creativity helps you get out of your head in two ways.

First, it allows you to focus on something external instead of internal thoughts. This can be helpful because it gives your mind a break from rumination and allows you to see things from a different perspective.

Second, creativity allows you to express yourself in a healthy and productive way. When you’re stuck in your head, all of your thoughts and feelings are bottled up inside. This can lead to emotional problems like depression and anxiety. However, when you express yourself creatively, you’re able to release these emotions in a healthy way.

So how can you release your thoughts and emotions through creativity?

37. What Are Some Things I Can Do To Be More Productive?

Being productive can help you get out of your head for a number of reasons. I would say this is a huge tip of mine for getting out of your head. There have been many times when I can’t sleep, am stuck in my head, and wake up and do something productive. When I focus on my task, I instantly get out of my thoughts and feel better.

In short, doing something productive can:

  • Help to take your mind off of whatever is stressing you out.
  • Give you a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.
  • Help to improve your mood and outlook on life.

When you are productive, you are focused on what you are doing in the present moment and not on what is worrying you. This can lead to a reduction in stress and anxiety.

Additionally, completing tasks and meeting goals can give you a boost of confidence and make you feel good about yourself. When you feel good about yourself, it is easier to maintain a positive outlook on life.

Therefore, being productive can help you get out of your head by giving you a break from stress, helping you feel accomplished, and improving your mood.

Write down ways you can be more productive so that you can get out of your head more.

38. What Are Some Things I Can Do To Spend Less Time On My Phone?

Being on your phone can keep you stuck in your head. Your worries and fears can amplify as you scroll through social media and news websites.

How can you spend less time with your phone and more time doing things that help you stay out of your head? Write it down!

39. What Are Some Things I Can Do To Spend More Time With Family And Friends?

One way to get out of your head is to focus on ways you can spend more time with family and friends.

Write down a list of things you can do to spend more time with the people you care about, and then make a plan to do those things.

40. What Are Some Things I Can Do To Save Money?

If financial issues are keeping you stuck in your head, you are not alone. In America alone, 40% of people are struggling to pay their bills. In Canada, the average debt load is about $21,000, not including mortgages.

Being worried about money can keep us stuck in our heads.

Taking action is the best thing we can do in this case.

One way to take action is to look for areas of your life where you can save money. Dig deep and find things that you can do without or ways to save on things you currently have or do.

41. What Are Some Things I Can Do To Volunteer In My Community?

One way to get out of your head is to focus on ways you can volunteer in your community. It’s hard to be stuck in your thoughts when you are doing good things for others.

Write down a list of things you can do to volunteer, and then make a plan to do those things.

42. What Are Some Things I Can Do To Help The Environment?

It can be easy to get caught up in our everyday lives and forget about the things we can do to help the environment. Writing these things down can help us to remember and feel motivated to take action.

Seeing what we can do written down in front of us can also help to put things into perspective.

Sometimes, when we’re feeling overwhelmed by the state of the world, it can be helpful to remember that even small actions make a difference.

Writing down what we can do to help the environment is a simple way to stay mindful of the ways we can make a positive impact. It’s a reminder that we all have the power to make a difference.

43. What Are Some Things I Can Do To Be More Organized?

Writing down what you need to do in order to be more organized can help you get out of your head because it provides a concrete plan of action.

It can be overwhelming to try and keep everything straight in your head, especially if you have a lot on your plate. But when you take the time to sit down and brainstorm what needs to be done, it can help to ease some of that stress.

Seeing your thoughts in written form can also help you to better assess what is a priority and what can wait.

So if you’re feeling overwhelmed, try sitting down and making a list of things you need to do in order to get more organized. It just might help you to clear your head and get started on the path to a more tidy lifestyle.

44. What Are Some Things I Can Do To Be More Patient?

One way to help ground yourself and stay focused on what matters is to take a few moments each day to write down things you can do to be more patient. This can be anything from taking a few deep breaths before responding to a stressful situation, to going for a walk outside when you feel your patience starting to wear thin.

By taking the time to identify the things that help you stay patient, you can make it through challenging situations with a clear head and a calmer demeanor.

In addition, writing these things down can help you to keep them top of your mind so that you can quickly put them into practice when needed.

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