Last Updated on April 30, 2022 by Jen
Journal prompts are a great way to improve your mood. When you are feeling down, these prompts can help you see the bright side, make you smile, and lift your spirit. By shifting your focus to something more positive, you can improve your mood overall. When you are feeling down, use one of these journal prompts to either instantly feel better or figure out a way to lift your mood.
1. What Are Three Things I Am Grateful For Today?
You knew this one was going to be in here, didn’t you?
When you are feeling down, it can be really helpful to take some time to reflect on all the things you are grateful for. By doing this, you can shift your focus to something more positive and improve your mood.
Listing off all of the things you are grateful for is a great way to remind yourself of all the good in your life. It can also help you feel more connected to others since we often tend to think about things we are grateful for when we spend time with loved ones.
So if you’re feeling down, try journaling about the things you are grateful for. It can really help improve your mood!
2. What Was The Best Thing That Happened Today
Today may not have been a great day, but there’s definitely one thing that you clearly say was the best thing that happened to you today. By reminding yourself of that thing, you can find some joy and improve your mood.
3. What Made Me Smile Today?
This is a great journal prompt to lift your mood because it focuses on something that made you smile today. Maybe it was a funny video you saw online, an unexpected compliment from a friend, or simply enjoying some time in the sunshine. Whatever it was, reflecting on the positive moments in your day can help improve your mood and put you in a more positive mindset.
4. Who Was The Kindest To Me Today?
Maybe you ran into a bunch of negative people today (or one really horrible person) and your mood was affected negatively because of that. Now’s the time to focus on who was the kindest to you today, even if it was yourself. By focusing on who was the kindest to you today, you can improve your mood and have a more positive outlook on the world and the people in it.
5. What Was My Favorite Moment Today?
When you’re feeling down, it can be really helpful to reflect on your favorite moment from the day. By thinking about something that made you happy, you can start to shift your mood and improve your outlook.
Focusing on a good moment can remind you that there are things to be happy about, even when you’re feeling down. Whether it was catching up with an old friend, having a great conversation with your partner, or simply taking some time to relax and enjoy yourself, there are plenty of things that can improve your mood.
So the next time you’re feeling down, try using this journal prompt to think back on your favorite moment from the day – you may be surprised by what you come up with.
6. What Am I Looking Forward To Tomorrow?
The sun will come out tomorrow is a good saying because it is usually true. Even when it’s cloudy and gray outside, the sun will eventually come out again. No matter how bad things seem today, there is always something to be hopeful for tomorrow. So when you’re feeling down, try focusing on what you’re looking forward to tomorrow and you may find yourself shifting from feeling down to hopeful.
7. What Am I Proud Of Today?
When you’re feeling down, it can be really helpful to focus on things that make you proud. By thinking about your accomplishments, for example, you can start to improve your mood and have a more positive outlook on life.
Also, focusing on what you’re proud of can remind you of all the things you’ve done right, which can be relieving if you are beating yourself up about something or focused on what has gone wrong.
8. When Was The Last Time I Felt Really Good About Myself?
Reminding yourself about a time that you felt good about yourself can lift your mood because it can help to put things into perspective.
Whether it was something you did that made you feel good or just a time when things seemed really positive, remembering these times and focusing on them can improve your mood by helping you feel more confident and positive about yourself.
9. What Are Some Small Things I Can Do To Improve My Mood?
There’s still some time left to do things that can improve your mood. Besides focusing on a journal prompt or two, you can also try some of these things:
-Listening to your favorite music
-Watching a funny movie or TV show
-Spending time with friends or family
-Getting outside for a walk
What things make you feel better?
10. How Can I Find The Bright Side Of Things?
There are plenty of ways to find the bright side of things. Sometimes, all it takes is a change in perspective. Other times, you may need to take some time for yourself to improve your mood. But no matter what, there are always things you can do to improve your mood and find the bright side of things.
Some of these strategies might include:
- Focusing on the positive
- Reminding yourself that good always comes out of bad.
- Reminding yourself that when it’s dark out, it becomes much easier to see any amount of light.
- Using the prompt ‘At least I didn’t experience…’ to find something worse that could be happening.
With a little creativity and effort, you can improve your mood and find the bright side of things – no matter what challenges you face.
11. How Can I Lift Someone Else’s Day?
Sometimes the best way to lift your mood is to make someone else’s day better.
You can do that by performing a random act of kindness, sharing your time and attention with someone in need, or simply offering a smile and kind words to cheer up someone who may be having a difficult day.
Whether you’re volunteering at a local charity or just taking some time to brighten someone else’s day, there are plenty of ways that you can improve your mood by making someone else’s day better.
12. Who Do I Need To Forgive In Order To Improve My Mood?
Forgiving someone – whether it’s yourself or another person – can be a really great way to improve your mood.
When you hold onto anger and resentment, it can take a toll on your emotional well-being. But when you let go of that negativity and forgive someone, it can help improve your mood and make you feel lighter.
If you’re struggling to forgive someone, try writing a letter (even if you don’t send it) or talking to a therapist who can help you work through the process.
14. Are There Some Goals I Can Set
It’s amazing how setting some small goals can help lift your mood, this is because they give you something to work towards, and over time this can improve your mood by making you feel more accomplished. Whether it’s something like starting a new hobby or reaching out to someone in need, setting small goals can help improve your mood and boost your confidence.
15. What Can I Do Outside To Lift My Mood?
There are plenty of reasons why going outdoors can improve your mood.
For starters, spending time in nature can be really relaxing and calming.
Additionally, getting some fresh air and sunshine can improve your mood by helping you feel more energetic and positive.
And finally, being in nature can help you to get away from the distractions of everyday life and center yourself, which can improve your mood overall. So if you’re feeling down, consider going outdoors for a walk or some other activity to improve your mood.
16. How Can I Be More Mindful?
Mindfulness is all about being present in the moment and paying attention to your thoughts, feelings, and surroundings.
When you’re feeling down, mindfulness can help improve your mood by helping you to focus on the positive and appreciate the good things in your life. There are plenty of ways to practice mindfulness, but some simple things you can do include focusing on your breathing, paying attention to your senses, and practicing gratitude.
17. How Can I Crack A Smile?
When you’re feeling down, one of the best things you can do is smile. Smiling can actually lift your mood and make you feel happier. It’s a great way to improve your mood and put a positive spin on your day. So if you’re feeling down, try putting on a smile and see how it makes you feel.
18. How Do I Want To Boost My Serotonin Today?
Serotonin helps to relieve negative thoughts and emotions and is essentially a hormone that boosts your mood.
There are many things that you can do to boost your serotonin and improve your mood. Some simple things include getting regular exercise, getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, and spending time with friends and family. You can also try some of the following tips:
- Spend time outside in nature.
- Take a hot bath or shower.
- Listen to happy music.
- Write in a journal.
- Draw or paint.
- Smile at yourself in the mirror.
- Spend time doing something you enjoy.
- Meditate or practice deep breathing exercises.
- Go for a walk or do some other form of physical activity.