30 Journal Prompts To Help You Deal With Grief

Last Updated on August 3, 2022 by Jen

Grief is the feeling of loss that comes with experiences such as the death of a loved one or the end of a significant relationship. It can be a very painful experience that can take a long time to process. Grief can be one of the most difficult emotions to grapple with. Journaling can be a helpful way to deal with grief.

30 Journal Prompts To Help You Deal With Grief

deal with grief

1. How did you feel when you first learned of your loss?

When you first learn of a loss, it feels like everything in the world has been turned upside down. You may feel like you can’t go on, and that your life is completely over.

It’s important to reflect on how you felt then, in order to understand your grief. Acknowledging how much pain you were and are in can help you to validate your feelings and give yourself time to grieve.

It’s also important to remember that your feelings will change over time, and there is no wrong or right way to grieve.

2. Describe the person or relationship that you lost.

It’s important to describe the person or relationship that you lost in order to overcome grief because it can help you understand your loss better. Thoughts can get muddled in your mind, but when you are able to put them down in a journal, things become clearer.

This journal prompt can also help you feel closer to the person or relationship that you lost and make the grieving process easier.

3. What are some of your favorite memories of the person or time spent with them?

Recalling happy memories can help bring some comfort in the midst of sadness.

4. What has been the most challenging thing about grieving?

Sharing your struggles through writing, even if it’s just for you to see, can help you feel less alone and may offer some comfort and support.

5. Have you found any coping mechanisms that have been helpful to deal with grief?

It is important to remember that you are not alone in this and there are ways to cope with grief that can be helpful. Some of the ways you may find helpful include talking to friends and family about what you are feeling, journaling, and spending time outdoors.

These coping mechanisms allow you to express your feelings and work through them in a healthy way.

Additionally, they can help you to focus on something other than my grief and provide a sense of relief.

6. What has changed about your daily routine since the loss?

When you are grieving the loss of a loved one, it can be difficult to keep up your normal routine. Everything feels different and it may be hard to get out of bed in the morning.

It is important to journal about how your daily routine has changed since the loss. This can help you to understand and cope with the changes that have occurred. It can also be helpful to track your progress as you work through your grief.

7. Have you experienced any physical changes since grieving began (e.g., changes in appetite, sleep, etc.)?

It can be helpful to journal about physical changes you’ve experienced since grieving began. This can help you understand and cope with those changes. It can also be a way to track your progress and see how you’re healing over time.

8. What emotions have you been feeling lately?

When you’re grieving, it can be difficult to process your feelings. Journaling can be a helpful way to work through those feelings and understand your grief. It can also be a way to track your progress as you work through your grief.

Writing about your emotions can help you to identify and understand them. When you know what you’re feeling, it can be easier to cope with those feelings.

9. Have there been any triggers that have made the grieving process harder?

It can be helpful to journal about any triggers that have made the grieving process harder. This can help you understand what might be causing difficulty, and allow you to address those issues specifically. By addressing the triggers head-on, you can work to overcome them and make the grieving process a little easier.

10. Have you been able to talk about your loss with others? If not, why?

There can be a lot of shame and guilt associated with grief. It can feel like we are supposed to be able to cope on our own and that there is something wrong with us if we can’t.

Talking about our loss with others can be really helpful in overcoming those feelings. It can be a way to connect with other people who understand what we are going through.

It can also be a way to get support and advice.

If we aren’t comfortable talking about our loss with others, it may be because we are afraid of what they will think or say. We may worry that they will judge us or not understand. But talking openly and honestly about our grief can be very healing.

11. What has surprised you about the grieving process?

It can be helpful to journal about what has surprised you about the grieving process in order to better understand it. When we are surprised by something, it can cause us to rethink our assumptions and perhaps come to a new understanding.

In the case of grieving, reflecting on what has surprised you can help you to make sense of your experience and come to terms with it. It can also help you to identify any areas where you may need additional support.

12. What are some things that you miss about the person or relationship that you lost?

Writing about what we miss about the person or relationship that we lost can be a powerful way to honor their memory and keep them close to our hearts.

13. What are some things that you’re grateful for, despite your loss?

Journaling about what you are grateful for can help you to focus on the positive aspects of your life, even during times of grief. It can be a helpful way to keep your spirits up and to remind yourself that there are things to be happy about.

When you are feeling down, it can be difficult to think of anything positive, but when you journal about what you are grateful for, you are able to reflect on all the good things that are still in your life. This can be a powerful tool in helping you to deal with grief.

14. What would you say to the person you lost if you had the chance?

When it comes to grappling with grief, this journal prompt can be helpful. It can help you process your feelings and understand your grief.

15. What do you think is the hardest part of grief for people around you to understand?

When it comes to grief, it can be very difficult for people around you to understand what you are going through. It’s important to journal about your feelings and thoughts in order to process them and work through your grief.

The hardest part of grief for people around you to understand is often the emotional roller coaster that you are on. There are highs and lows, and it can be hard for others to understand why you are feeling the way you are.

By journaling, you can help explain all of those emotions to yourself and to others who may be trying to understand. It can also be a way to work through any anger or resentment that you may feel.

16. Have your spiritual beliefs been affected by your loss?

When coping with grief, it can be helpful to explore your spiritual beliefs and how they may have been affected by the experience.

17. What are some things that you’ve been doing to take care of yourself during this difficult time?

Taking care of yourself is an essential part of recovering from a loss. Journaling about what you’ve been doing to take care of yourself can be an important way to work through your grief. It can help you to reflect on the things that are helping you to cope, and it can also help you to identify any areas where you may need more support.

18. What is one positive thing that has come out of this experience, despite the pain?

When experiencing grief, it can be difficult to see any positive outcomes. However, journaling about the positive things that have come from the experience can be helpful in overcoming the pain. It can remind you of the good that has come from the bad and help you find hope for the future. Some of the positives may include:

  • Finding new bonds with friends and family who stepped up to support you during this difficult time
  • Gaining a greater understanding of yourself and your loved ones
  • Discovering strength you didn’t know you had
  • Realizing that life goes on and that there is still happiness to be found

19. What are some things that you’re looking forward to in the future?

When you are grieving, it can be difficult to see beyond your pain. But it is important to remember that there is a future ahead of you and that you will eventually be happy again.

This journal prompt will help you think about things you are looking forward to in the future can help to give you hope and keep you focused on the future.

20. What advice would you give to someone who is grieving a similar loss?

When someone experiences a loss, it can be difficult to process those feelings because it’s so personal. If you want to process your feelings better, step out of your shoes and write down what advice you would give someone else going through what you are going through. This advice may be exactly what you need to hear to shift emotions or start moving forward.

21. Have your relationships changed since your loss? In what ways?

Journaling about your relationships can help you understand how your loss has affected them. It can be difficult to deal with the changes that have happened but writing about them can help you come to terms with them. You may find that some relationships have changed for the better, while others have changed for the worse.

22. What role has journaling played in your grieving process?

This journal prompt can help you to acknowledge the importance of journaling and to keep using journal prompts or just writing as a therapeutic way of dealing with your grief.

23. What are some things that you wish people would say or do when they interact with you during this time?

It’s important to journal about what you wish people would say or do when they interact with you during this time. It will help you help others support you.

It can be helpful to have that support from others as you work through your grief. Knowing that others are there for you can make the healing process a little bit easier.

24. How do you think your grief will change over time?

It can be helpful for people who are grieving to journal about how they think their grief will change over time.

This can help you see a future and understand your grief and work through it. It can also help you cope with the changes that are happening in your life.

25. What are some things that you’d like to do in honor of the person or thing that you lost?

One way to deal with grief is to honor the person or thing that you lost. This can help you move through a state of not being able to let go of what was.

26. What are some things that you think will help you heal from this loss?

It can be very helpful for people who are grieving to journal about what they think will help them heal from the loss. This can allow them to process their feelings and figure out what they need to do in order to move on. It can also be a way to track their progress and see how they are healing over time.

27. What are some things that you’re still struggling with?

It can be helpful to journal about the things you’re still struggling with in order to overcome grief. By acknowledging these things, you allow yourself to face them head-on. This can be an important step in moving on from your loss.

28. What advice would you give to someone who is just beginning their grieving process?

Again, this journal prompt can help you step out of your shoes and into someone else’s. It can help you take a step back from where you are and see how much progress you have made according to your own advice. And it can help you move forward in a positive way.

29. Do I need more support to deal with grief?

This journal prompt will help you admit to yourself whether or not you need more help to work through your grief.

30. What new thing can I take up to help me through this grief?

What can you do to help you through your grief? Can you take up meditation? Can you volunteer somewhere? Can you start a new hobby, find a new friend, or move? What is one thing you think will help you move through your grief.

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