18 Journal Prompts Focused On Bad Choices And Making Better Ones

Last Updated on May 16, 2022 by Jen

We will always make bad choices in life, but sometimes we can make bad choice after bad choice and get caught in a loop. Bad choices can keep you stuck on the same path in life, going in circles and never really getting anywhere. If you want to break free from the cycle of bad choices, it’s important to recognize when you’re making them and how you can avoid them going forward.

18 Journal Prompts To Help You Recognize Bad Choices And Make Better Ones Going Forward

bad choices

1. What Does A Bad Choice Look Like?

How can you recognize a bad choice? What does it look like?

Do you get a feeling that something is right or do you outright know that you shouldn’t choose the choice you are choosing?

Getting clear on what a bad choice looks like can help you spot them going forward.

2. When Is The Last Time I Made A Bad Choice?

Use this journal prompt to write about the last time you made a bad choice and be detailed about it.

What was the bad choice?

What other choices did you have?

Did you know it was a bad choice?

What were the consequences?

Allowing yourself to relieve your bad choice can help you to stay motivated to avoid bad choices going forward.

3. What Are The Consequences Of Bad Choices?

This journal prompt will help you reflect on what happens when you make bad choices.

What are some of the immediate consequences?

What are some of the long-term consequences?

Are the consequences worth it?

Is there any good that comes from making bad choices?

4. How Can I Avoid Making Bad Choices?

This journal prompt is all about brainstorming ways that you can avoid making bad choices in the future.

How can you better recognize when you’re about to make a bad choice?

What are some steps you can take to prevent yourself from making a bad choice?

5. What Are Some Good Choices I’ve Made?

Think about some of the good choices you’ve made in your life.

What were the circumstances surrounding the choice?

What made it a good choice?

How did it make you feel?

What were the consequences?

6. Are Bad Choices Always Bad?

This journal prompt will help you reflect on whether or not bad choices always have negative consequences.

Are there any circumstances where a bad choice led to a good outcome?

What were the circumstances surrounding that choice?

How can you make the most out of bad choices going forward?

7. Can Bad Choices Be Fixed?

This journal prompt will help you think about whether or not bad choices can be fixed.

If you make a bad choice, is it possible to fix it?

How do you fix it?

What are the consequences of trying to fix a bad choice?

8. What Are Some Examples Of Bad Choices I’ve Made In The Past?

Use this journal prompt to write about some specific examples of bad choices you’ve made in the past.

What were the circumstances surrounding the choice?

What made it a bad choice?

How did it make you feel?

What were the consequences?

9. What Are Some Good Choices I Can Make In The Future?

Think about some good choices you can make in the future.

What are the circumstances surrounding the choice?

What will make it a good choice?

How will it make you feel?

What will be the consequences?

10. What Are Some Steps I Can Take To Avoid Making Bad Choices?

This journal prompt is all about brainstorming ways that you can avoid making bad choices in the future. This doesn’t guarantee that bad choices won’t happen, because they will. But, by taking steps to avoid bad choices, you can reduce the amount you make by a lot!

How can you better recognize when you’re about to make a bad choice?

What are some steps you can take to prevent yourself from making a bad choice?

10. How Do I Know If I’m Making A Bad Choice?

Use this journal prompt to think about how you can tell, in the moment, if you’re making a bad choice.

Do you get a feeling that something is right or do you outright know that you shouldn’t choose the choice you are choosing?

Recognizing what a bad choice looks like can help you spot them going forward.

12. How Can I Feel Better About Bad Choices?

Bad choices are going to happen. How can you feel better when you do make a bad choice?

Practice self-love or self-forgiveness?

Make it mandatory to learn from bad choices and use what you learn going forward for better choices?

13. Why Do I Make Bad Choices?

Use this journal prompt to think about why you might make bad choices.

Do you do it for attention?

Is it because you’re trying to rebel?

Do you just not know any better?

Are you addicted to something?

Understanding your motives for making bad choices can help you address the issue.

14. What’s The Worst Thing That Could Happen If I Make A Bad Choice?

This journal prompt will make you think about the consequences of making a bad choice.

What’s the worst thing that could happen if you made a bad choice?

How would you feel if that happened?

Is it worth the risk?

15. Can I Make A Good Choice Even If Everyone Around Me Is Making Bad Choices?

Use this journal prompt to think about peer pressure and whether or not you can resist it.

If everyone around you is making a bad choice, can you still make a good choice?

What would happen if you made a good choice?

What are the consequences of making a bad choice?

16. What Would I Do If I Knew I Was Going To Make A Bad Choice?

This journal prompt is all about thinking about what you would do if you knew you were going to make a bad choice.

Would you try to stop yourself?

Would you let yourself make the choice anyway?

How would you feel afterward?

17. What Are Some Good Choices I Can Make Today?

End on a positive note with this journal prompt.

Think about some good choices you can make today.

It can be something small, like choosing to eat healthy food

Making good choices can be just as hard as making bad ones, but they’re worth it! Use these journal prompts to help you reflect on your choices and make better ones in the future.

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